Thank you for visiting! Take your time, look around. If you find something you like, or have questions about anything, feel free to contact us. If there are original paintings that call to you that may have sold and you want something similar, we can work together to create a piece that lights you up. You can pick colors, themes, or send in a photo to emulate. We can collaborate together on ideas to customize art for you or as a gift from your heart to a loved one. We strive to make art something that can be accessible to anyone who wants to be moved by its magic. It can shift, heal, elicit joy and fond memories or transport you to another time and place. Whether it’s through painting, photography, music, the written word or any other form of art, it’s what connects us and reminds us we’re alive!
Lesley Green
Photo Credit: Alanna Wiktorowicz
“My goal as an artist is to create art that makes people look at the world in a different way.” Autumn de Forest